Sunday, July 02, 2006

new poem I found.

As leaves fall , as a bud blooms freash in the mornings dew, the sun creaps slowly on the freash horizon as new rays of golden shear awash the dewmaking them sparkle as freshly cut diamonds dug from black cravassesnow brought to light.A new day dawns as if in expectance of a grand battle,pushing back the dead as flowers bloom in the wake of a scorched earth, rays of sunshine as golden riders shining with burnished armour fight furiously to eradicate the blanched skeletal armythe strives fruitlessly in the darkness, as it is pushed back and overwhelmedto make way for the fresh raindrops that wash awaythe crust to reveal rich earth, virginfor the sprouting of new life , as a bride white with the purity of a new life ,ready and willing to bring forth the seeda of life and bear the ultimate birth of a soul. Priceless and unbleamished, New to save the world. DMG

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