Thursday, December 06, 2007


I have a new blog,its

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Thank you all sooosososos much for your prayers and support.marieanne is doing much better PTL and is up around and gaining weight.She is in toronto at this time and me and devin will be moving there shortly,we really appreciate and treasure all your prayers and love that you,our wonderful family has given over this time.she is doing so much better and the miracle is coming.thank you again and please continue to keep her in your prayers for her continued mike

Friday, September 14, 2007

missin you!

You never ealise how much you love or miss someone till they are gone.I miss my dear and lovely marienne,even sick she was the bright spot of my life and will always be.everything she is make me love her and when its gone I feel less of a person.Thank you lord so much that i have been able to live a life with her, and thank you for the tears of missing her and being without her smile.To anyone out there who reads this if you have that special someone, or even just someone you are close to love them with everything you have and treasure them . because one day you will be without them and it will hurt alot.make the most of it and show tham how much you love them each day, cause i have learned the hard way that you can lose it all in a short breath.she really is my better half and when I get another chance i will show her how much i do love her and how special she is to me.the lord knows how to get you closer to him;he takes away the rest so that there is only you and him.And take it from me it hurts alot, more than i can say and you will cry and wish for that second chance to show tham how special they where.some of the greatest things I am learning are through the pain of feeling that loss and i can only thank him for it. it hurts now but i must trust that he knows all of you out there and marieanne if you read this too;treasure that love and thank the lord for it and i hope that you are blessed with loving a person as special as her,she is what is good and beautiful and i pray i can share it with her again.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

help needed.

I really want to thank all those of you who have been praying for and upholding marieanne and me in your prayers.marieanne has gone to canada for awhile to get the needed medical attention for her and thank the lord she is doing so much better and making good progress.we would like to ask for you help financially for this move we need to get set up in a place that she can continue to get well in,and we are in desperate need of a vehicle to get back and forth to the hospital and doctors appointments while up there.Our home has been very supportive in helping as much as we can but we are stretched quite thin and need your help.Marieannes health depends on this and we are trying to do all we can but we need help with the financial part of it. thanks you so much for your help and consideration of this request, marieanne and I cannot thank you enough. our email for this is, or you can contact either me or marieanne at address is P.O box 10060 tyler texas,75711. and our bank account is; BOA,state(new mexico)#002029200782. and our home num is US2043. thank you again so much, marieanne and i can never express our thank enough for your prayers,help and support. love mike.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


My love for you shall never falter though pain and hurt ensue, for you have given blood and tear so why should I not too?.
I many times feel ended and that finally I've fallen too far, and in that time lord you know is when your love is my all in all.
I am a stubborn coot,with bad habits that pile high and far; and yet I know you still love me and I cannot figure out why?
I count this a pleasent mystery how you can love me so, and count it a pleasure and priviledge to be your bride who loves you so.
So in spite of my many blunders and slip-ups without end you would give your life for me over and over so why should I not do as well again?
I thank for loving me full and complete each day;and also for the breakings and spankings that keep me from going astray.
I am indebted to you lord for much more than ere I could pay so help me be your faithfull lover and good servant day by day.I count this a happy honor to live a life by your side and one day meet you in heaven that we may ever abide.
So keep me faithfull lord jesus,break me and move me at will,let me yeild to your calling and shed all my pride and self will.
I humbly surrender and kneel now and give me heart and soul, I praise you for the hearbreaks and beg you to keep me,a broken man before you lord so that forever in your service I'll be.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

take me lord and make me thine.

(Jesus speaking)......You, My son, are a soldier. Thank you for every battle fought and every victory won, you have no idea how much each one means to Me. I want you close, ever so close at this time, for how can you do my work without my spirit anointing you and carrying you through. I long to hold you closer then I ever have before, for you need me closer then ever before. Trust Me that as you take this time that I need and require, you will be renewed in ways you have longed for all your life. Trust me my love. I have said that those who love Me the most follow Me the closest, so I now ask that you trust Me enough to lay all the work, pressures and even pleasures in My hands. For then I am given full rein in your life. What do you want to accomplish? What goals do you have? I can make them all come true. I want you to re-evaluate your life, and what you want to do with it. For I wish to work mighty things through you. And as you let my plans become your plans, this will become a reality. I long to take what talents, skills and even mistakes I have given you and make you even more useful in My hands. So the jest of this message is this; let down your feeble attempts in your life. Lay them down and watch me do what you can't. This will come about as you take the needed time with me and yield to me every part of your life. I love you son and this is also a message of love and admiration for all you do for Me. Stay the course, run your race and continue to make me proud. I love you...Jesus

I liked this because I believe that especially with my life this has been the only I can ever make through is; learning to work closer with him at every turn. TTL it’s a work in progress but if you ever do go through long term battles or trials, be they physical or spiritual the only way I have found is surrender to him I see the difference when I am and when I am holding onto my own way. I am thankful that I can go through things because not only do they bring me closer to him but I learn the ecstasy of being a yielded bride.