Saturday, November 18, 2006

the trying times, that make us who we are.

I want to tell you the miracle of birth. a man born again , when nicodemus ask our lord "can a man enter his mother womb a second time". it is simbolic of the trial of life. each test trial pain and lonelines is for me the agony and bliss of rebirth. at times when I am my lowest,when the pain inside seems almost to crush me, and squeeze every last drop of hope I have left. I see my lover with arms outsreached beconing me to push through'except a man be born again he shall not see the kindom of god". through the pain I learn the joy of rebirth , a new day, a new beginning. my love has unending love and longsuffering so that though I fall, or die inside once more, in despare or lonely drought of comparing,loneliness,or discouragement; he is there to help me rise again. I am here to say that truly there is no sight more beautiful than a man ready to be born again; having died to himself than our lover my live in him, and I am testament to it. though I fall he lifts me, though I dispare he brings me hope, when I am alone and crave love ;he fills me with extasy beyond wildest imagination.when I cry he wipes away the tears.when I feel I have died he raises me up and reminds me that only in him and him in me may I live. may I be counted priveledged to die for him each day , for this is the greatest triumph.

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