Friday, June 30, 2006


well the end is near I am now 25 , I can no longer claim to be on the verge of adulthood, I have official become responsible (or so I think ha) the oddest of birthday rituals began this morning with alot of people who had not quit woken from the nights adventures singing a birthday tune. And for those of you not familiar with this time honered tradition it involves many individuals who have not had coffee crooning with the loudest voice possible attempting to drown out the other crooners ,resulting in a pleathora of unique sounds and variations of tone, I suggest all try this at one time or another in thier life, this proceeds throughout the day culminating in a grand finally of a cresendo of voices and sounds that one must experience to truly appreciate , anyhow I was privaledged to hear this , this morning and throughout the day by loved ones friends and even a midget and korean lady who I think though we where singing the national anthem and proceeded with gusto to join in. making my birthday experience complete and uniquiely inspiring.

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