Wednesday, July 25, 2007

the positive side of life.

I want to thank you lord for the beauty that surrounds me,from a clinging vine to the time i spend with you. thank you for the blades of grass that came from endless storms, and thank you for the blooming bud that came from wind swept storms.thank you for the friends that comes from trying times, and thank you for the love from you that comes from leaving all else to become yours alone.I thank you lover most sweet, for the faith that comes from the streching and twisting of my pride and fears.
I thank you most for the times you have taken all else so that i could see only you.thank you for the boundless joy that comes from giving first,and thank you for the feeling of comfort that comes when i have nothing to fall back on of my own.thank you for the riches that come when i have naught else but to trust in your supply, and thank you for the miracles you do for me even when i am ungratful or lacking in faith.
thank you for my wife and son whom i appreciate more when i give them to you.thank you for someone to spend my life with knowing she is yours and first belongs to you.thank you for my sons smile whitch lights up even the darkess day, and gives me hope that the future will be ok.
let me love always dwell on the good things,though hard as it may seem, and praise you lord for everything even if it be through my tears.

1 comment:

Jaydee and Terri said...

Cool, Man... prayin for you and the wife...GBY