Wednesday, December 06, 2006
End of the world.
We hello and good day, merry christmas and new years salutations. I wish you all the best for all the year and the happiness that life can bring.
Monday, December 04, 2006
posted for you.
I am sorry for the long abstinance, the reason for this long hiatis has been the tumult as to what to write on. my life it seems takes the course more twisting and surprise filled than the brazillian pantanal.I being a cancer am a creature of sentiment, emotion perhaps even the fragile. and those of you who know me will eather agree heartily or scoff out of jest. Is it a crime to love too fiercely and not to well? should we care for all those who we share our lives with , with intimacy or common friendship? is it wrong to love and hope for that in return?Is it a mistake to crave the touch and caress of affection and love? or is the chastity of prudent separation for fear of hurt or emotional attactment, or dare I say deep friendship that borders love for another more accepted?each day that has passed me this last month makes me more aware of the treasure that each person we live and work with are , Each touches us in a way and make us better, and then vanish to follow thier call wherever it leads.maybe I am the too sentimental type , but I belive love in anyform is a good thing and should be embraced rather than rejected, hidden from , or made into a thing to be afraid of. our lives are lived in the obedience of the love of our husband and savior, and the love he gives is the strongest force in the world , I would rather love feircely and with my whole heart and suffer the hurt than allow myself to become isolated for fear of it.too often we are afraid to love or to let go in body mind or otherwise for fear, for the conciousness of man.I was one of these afraid to let go afraid to be loved or love because I was afraid of the hurt, the humbling and the feelings of pain and joy.over the last year I have had these all , the highs,the extream lows, the hurts, the loneliness, the desire for love and the fear of it. the pain of loving someone who cannot return it and the disapointment of loving someone who does not share those feelings: the hardest part was the honesty;the being open about those feelings ,desires, needs knowing they will be crushed, expecting the worst yet praying for the best of all things.and the best was experiencing the joy and love when someone shares the lords love and thier heart with you.I have seen the miracles of healing. I have felt the pain of battle. I have been overcome with the feeling of being alone. I have climbed the mountain of faith and seemany more. I have felt the love that only god can give through another . I have rejoiced in the triumphs of my loved ones and prayed in the times of distress . I have walked through the shadow of death to lie down in green pastures.I have cried tears of joy and happiness, and I have come the end of my rope and been lifted up.and through it all I three constants, the lord,my wife,my family,and a friend that I love dearly. I thank you all for this year, you have helped me to make it and come through a better man.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
tips from the karma sutra.
Auddalika says, `Females do not emit as males do. The males simply remove their desire, while the females, from their consciousness of desire, feel a certain kind of pleasure, which gives them satisfaction, but it is impossible for them to tell you what kind of pleasure they feel. The fact from which this becomes evident is, that males, when engaged in coition, cease of themselves after emission, and are satisfied, but it is not so with females.'
This opinion is however objected to on the grounds that, if a male be a long-timed, the female loves him the more, but if he be short-timed, she is dissatisfied with him. And this circumstance, some say, would prove that the female emits also.
IT is said by some that there is no fixed time or order between the embrace, the kiss, and the pressing or scratching with the nails or fingers, but that all these things should be done generally before sexual union takes place, while striking and making the various sounds generally takes place at the time of the union. Vatsyayana, however, thinks that anything may take place at any time, for love does not care for time or order.
On the occasion of the first congress, kissing and the other things mentioned above should be done moderately, they should not be continued for a long time, and should be done alternately. On subsequent occasions, however, the reverse of all this may take place, and moderation will not be necessary, they may continue for a long time, and, for the purpose of kindling love, they may be all done at the same time.
The following are the places for kissing: the forehead, the eyes, the cheeks, the throat, the bosom, the breasts, the lips, and the interior of the mouth. Moreover the people of the Lat country kiss also on the following places: the joints of the thighs, the arms and the navel. But Vatsyayana thinks that though kissing is practised by these people in the above places on account of the intensity of their love, and the customs of their country, it is not fit to be practised by all.
Now in a case of a young girl there are three sorts of kisses:
The nominal kiss
The throbbing kiss
The touching kiss
When a girl only touches the mouth of her lover with her own, but does not herself do anything, it is called the `nominal kiss'.
When a girl, setting aside her bashfulness a little, wishes to touch the lip that is pressed into her mouth, and with that object moves her lower lip, but not the upper one, it is called the `throbbing kiss'.
When a girl touches her lover's lip with her tongue, and having shut her eyes, places her hands on those of her lover, it is called the `touching kiss'.
Other authors describe four other kinds of kisses:
The straight kiss
The bent kiss
The turned kiss
The pressed kiss
When the lips of two lovers are brought into direct contact with each other, it is called a `straight kiss'.
When the heads of two lovers are bent towards each other, and when so bent, kissing takes place, it is called a `bent kiss'.
When one of them turns up the face of the other by holding the head and chin, and then kissing, it is called a `turned kiss'.
Lastly when the lower lip is pressed with much force, it is called a `pressed kiss'.
There is also a fifth kind of kiss called the `greatly pressed kiss', which is effected by taking hold of the lower lip between two fingers, and then, after touching it with the tongue, pressing it with great force with the lip.
As regards kissing, a wager may be laid as to which will get hold of the lips of the other first. If the woman loses, she should pretend to cry, should keep her lover off by shaking her hands, and turn away from him and dispute with him saying, `let another wager be laid'. If she loses this a second time, she should appear doubly distressed, and when her lover is off his guard or asleep, she should get hold of his lower lip, and hold it in her teeth, so that it should not slip away, and then she should laugh, make a loud noise,
WHEN love becomes intense, pressing with the nails or scratching the body with them is practised, and it is done on the following occasions: on the first visit; at the time of setting out on a journey; on the return from a journey; at the time when an angry lover is reconciled; and lastly when the woman is intoxicated.
But pressing with the nails is not a usual thing except with those who are intensely passionate, i.e. full of passion. It is employed, together with biting, by those to whom the practice is agreeable.
This opinion is however objected to on the grounds that, if a male be a long-timed, the female loves him the more, but if he be short-timed, she is dissatisfied with him. And this circumstance, some say, would prove that the female emits also.
IT is said by some that there is no fixed time or order between the embrace, the kiss, and the pressing or scratching with the nails or fingers, but that all these things should be done generally before sexual union takes place, while striking and making the various sounds generally takes place at the time of the union. Vatsyayana, however, thinks that anything may take place at any time, for love does not care for time or order.
On the occasion of the first congress, kissing and the other things mentioned above should be done moderately, they should not be continued for a long time, and should be done alternately. On subsequent occasions, however, the reverse of all this may take place, and moderation will not be necessary, they may continue for a long time, and, for the purpose of kindling love, they may be all done at the same time.
The following are the places for kissing: the forehead, the eyes, the cheeks, the throat, the bosom, the breasts, the lips, and the interior of the mouth. Moreover the people of the Lat country kiss also on the following places: the joints of the thighs, the arms and the navel. But Vatsyayana thinks that though kissing is practised by these people in the above places on account of the intensity of their love, and the customs of their country, it is not fit to be practised by all.
Now in a case of a young girl there are three sorts of kisses:
The nominal kiss
The throbbing kiss
The touching kiss
When a girl only touches the mouth of her lover with her own, but does not herself do anything, it is called the `nominal kiss'.
When a girl, setting aside her bashfulness a little, wishes to touch the lip that is pressed into her mouth, and with that object moves her lower lip, but not the upper one, it is called the `throbbing kiss'.
When a girl touches her lover's lip with her tongue, and having shut her eyes, places her hands on those of her lover, it is called the `touching kiss'.
Other authors describe four other kinds of kisses:
The straight kiss
The bent kiss
The turned kiss
The pressed kiss
When the lips of two lovers are brought into direct contact with each other, it is called a `straight kiss'.
When the heads of two lovers are bent towards each other, and when so bent, kissing takes place, it is called a `bent kiss'.
When one of them turns up the face of the other by holding the head and chin, and then kissing, it is called a `turned kiss'.
Lastly when the lower lip is pressed with much force, it is called a `pressed kiss'.
There is also a fifth kind of kiss called the `greatly pressed kiss', which is effected by taking hold of the lower lip between two fingers, and then, after touching it with the tongue, pressing it with great force with the lip.
As regards kissing, a wager may be laid as to which will get hold of the lips of the other first. If the woman loses, she should pretend to cry, should keep her lover off by shaking her hands, and turn away from him and dispute with him saying, `let another wager be laid'. If she loses this a second time, she should appear doubly distressed, and when her lover is off his guard or asleep, she should get hold of his lower lip, and hold it in her teeth, so that it should not slip away, and then she should laugh, make a loud noise,
WHEN love becomes intense, pressing with the nails or scratching the body with them is practised, and it is done on the following occasions: on the first visit; at the time of setting out on a journey; on the return from a journey; at the time when an angry lover is reconciled; and lastly when the woman is intoxicated.
But pressing with the nails is not a usual thing except with those who are intensely passionate, i.e. full of passion. It is employed, together with biting, by those to whom the practice is agreeable.
the trying times, that make us who we are.
I want to tell you the miracle of birth. a man born again , when nicodemus ask our lord "can a man enter his mother womb a second time". it is simbolic of the trial of life. each test trial pain and lonelines is for me the agony and bliss of rebirth. at times when I am my lowest,when the pain inside seems almost to crush me, and squeeze every last drop of hope I have left. I see my lover with arms outsreached beconing me to push through'except a man be born again he shall not see the kindom of god". through the pain I learn the joy of rebirth , a new day, a new beginning. my love has unending love and longsuffering so that though I fall, or die inside once more, in despare or lonely drought of comparing,loneliness,or discouragement; he is there to help me rise again. I am here to say that truly there is no sight more beautiful than a man ready to be born again; having died to himself than our lover my live in him, and I am testament to it. though I fall he lifts me, though I dispare he brings me hope, when I am alone and crave love ;he fills me with extasy beyond wildest imagination.when I cry he wipes away the tears.when I feel I have died he raises me up and reminds me that only in him and him in me may I live. may I be counted priveledged to die for him each day , for this is the greatest triumph.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
the power of a vision.
Hey all out there , I come to you live this time from the unknown and highly explosive place called board meetings. I ( and if you are too)are one of those who only saw the banana there I tell you now that boy oh boy much more goes into all of the benefits and pleasures we expect. Its like the comic book where the hero or james bond has the side-kick who designs all his weapons and gadgets while the hero who uses all of them gets the glory.each one of these people I have met here are that guy that makes it all work, they brainstorm, they work, and they breathe thier callings. and bingo out comes all the great things we enjoy, hero gets the girl etc.. anyhoo I drift here. but to see all the work and prayer that goes into the many aspects of this makes me so sad that I did not take the time to pray for them more and the big job they have. and now (lord help us all) I may be one ha. anyways all that to say, each of you out there I have a new respect and admiration for the job you do. and for all the rest of you earthlings I say uplift them in your prayers , you may never know when you need them yourself.
Friday, October 27, 2006
A little ditty.
This rhyme I write whether white or right, here I do not go wrong. I speak and joke on a serious note, so here I go on. I may not have the anointing of a flaming prophet or two; I may not be slain in the spirit in a musty old Baptist pew. But I can be a holey old holey & serve as the toilet that I am, are you? I may not be a big leader, or the Alfa omega it’s true, I may never have title or talent. But I can win a soul or two. I may not be a flaming evangelist or heal all the sick in a row. But I can claim the keys and the spirit helpers for every person I know. I may not work wonders and miracles, or be a famous rock star who rules. But I can be faithful in Jesus, and always to him be true. I may never be the shining example, of righteousness without shame. But I can be his humble servant, and the vessel he has remade. All this to say I’m imperfect, a vessel flawed and remade. But through all this I love my Jesus and will follow him day by day. So worry not if you’re not perfect or have blemishes day by day, for god uses all us toilets to win the world every day. So cheer up and strike out with Jesus and forget about your problems and pain. Be a holy hole for our Jesus, don’t worry about title or fame, just do your best and be happy, and praise him with every refrain.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
ode to my love.
- You may feel a little stifled,and constricted at days end. But my love for you has no boundries,and my caring has no end.You may find me unatractive,and my looks somewhat dimmed,but I see you more beautiful than a thousand diadems.You may think that I'm to stuffy and my wild side all gone;but in you I go crazy,and you drive me wild all day long.You may think that youthful vigor;and young feelings have passed me by;but someday you will see that the boy you married has become and man by and by.You may see other boys more fun,or that my partying days are few;but in you I find more joy than in a carnival or two.You may find me more emotional than herd of geese;but my life with you has been a rollercoaster that no adventure could beat.All in all I have more downsides than a looney bin or two;but I love you now and forever,and that always will prove true. So take this here list of mine and weigh it to and fro,And I hope that I am worth at end of our lifes roll.I am sorry for the rough timesand the things you found uncool;but there is no other mortal that could love you like I do.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
the joy of service.
Well hola, and good day to all of you beautiful people out there, I was gone for a bit only to arrive back home to the realization of the tremendous amount of things I was behind in ha. and now that i have caught up a bit I come to you live from well ... here.I had the privaledge of going to the SGA seminar for a bit and getting tremendous input there. But what impressed me more was the people I met(FYI to those of you who are new to me ,I have lived in a bit of isolation for a while). how many of you ,me included, fight through battles, trials and just the everyday struggles of life and think " oh man Its so hard ,why is it so hard on me."well I did and many times I felt like I was alone in it ,or that it was so hard to go on.well I have a new found appreciation for each one of you out there who have held on a done not only your best, but above and beyond that as the lord asked. As I looked around me each person I saw or met was a angel each in their own way,each had been broken, tried, melted in the fire and come out pure gold. each really a vessel fit for the masters use.sometimes you feel alone in the fight,a little worn or battle scarred ,tired and weary. and yet you hold on just that little bit longer. each person I met made me more and more proud and thankful to be here in service to my love, each one made me forget my own trials and pray for them, each one seemed as if they where truely filled with the true spirit and love of our lord.Its hard to express the feeling of total brotherhood and comraderie that each person exuded, I remember going to sleep one nigh and as I was praying I just could only thank the love of my life for allowing me the privaledge of serving and fighting alongside each and everyone of you who have given your all to really make the family what it not only is now but what It will be as well. I close only in thanks to all of you I met, you have my admiration and you have inspired me more than you will know.
I have made fire!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
I feel loved.
If any of you out there are somewhat human such as me( or at least sometimes so)you need love affection etc;and for a guy like me its hard to admit to, and on the other hand some people are hard to love and no matter what you say have something dispairaging to say about your compliment( but that I will address later ,back to me)it's that feeling you get when someone takes the time to be affectionate,spend a evening with you ,or just cuddle and tell you your loved.I guess funny enough that is the thing that scares me the most: asking for love, I have done many things in my life that I am not proud of ;but I was never scared .some of you may chuckle ,snicker etc but I tell you it is the most terrifying thing to ask.You put your heart in anothers hand trusting them with your need for love . and god bless those who do, they are saints and most precious of people .there can be no friend like the one who will love you in spite of,and no matter what .The feeling and relief that love and affection brings is priceless and too often we(I) do without because of pride,or the fear of being hurt,or that that person will no longer be your friend or companion.mostly I guess the fear of rejection is what I fear the most and altough very real it also is the risk and that in all to say don't be scared, step out hope for the best and prepare for........ well whatever comes but you could be missing out on something wonderful so have faith and enjoy the beauty that comes from a heart of love.and to those of you out there who have it by you,love someone who needs it today , you could save thier souls,brighten thier hearts and make thier life for the lord that much better.
A prayer of thanks.
Oh my love I thank You, for the times when I think all is lost; because then I understand that only You can light my way. Thank You for the times I am lonely, so that I may learn more the treasure of Your love. Thank You for the times I feel ugly, for then I trully appreciate Your beauty that shines through. Thank You for my times of affliction , that I may learn the gift of the stripes whereby I am healed. I thank You for the times when I am discouraged and at the end of my rope, because then I can learn to praise You more. Thank You for the battles, because they make me strong. Thank You for the anguish and trials of the soul, for then I learn the value of a soft and tender soul made moldable by You. I thank You for the breakings, for then I am remade in Your likeness. I thank You for Your love, which carries me through each day; and I thank You for each morning a chance anew to serve, to give of myself blindly without care or greed.I ask only one thing my Lord and love, tis nothing for myself . I pray only that I may be called worthy to serve You, in the good times and bad; and at the end of the road to hear You say "My love you have made Me glad".
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
letter to my lover.
my dearest one , how the days seem as if to float by when you are near, the troubles trials and worries they seem as if to fade in difference to our love. when you are gone I feel as if I can't go on .I need and crave you so its as if I don't exsist with out you.Iknow sometimes when you are here I spend my time cleaning,trying to make everything perfect instead of just treasuring you the way I should.I tire my self out with chores, and good things, so that at the ned of the day I am too tired for you.I need you your touch ,your breath upon my skin,your caress ever so softly upon my thighs as I tremble in expectant delight. I need you so and yet I waste away those times when I could be with you;now as I stare out at the starry sky I see the twinkle of your eyes in every star and the moon seems to relect the soft warmth and gentle touch of your fingers upon my skin.the gentle breeze reminds me of how you envelope me in your kisses ,they are so full so satisfying,How I ever got along without I will never entire body cries out needing to be filled by you ,satisfied by you, and ravished by you.Not once in a patter of rhythm ,but endless ,continuous fufillment that only you know how to give.You know every inch of me, where I want to be touch , what satisfies me and what makes me wet with disire for you. only you can make me tremble with delight,scream because it feels so good that it hurts and explode with total and utter satisfaction that leaves me always wanting more.My every fantasy you know are explore ,it seems as if you know my mind and know just when and how I need to be taken. You are never dull never old ,your love is always new ,exciting,and adventurous,I can't wait to love you ;To see what you new excitement you have for me, and in all this all you ask is that I love you in return .My complete surrender to you ,and my willingness to love only you.I feel so unworthy of your love,its more than I could ever have dreamed of I pray only to be worthy of it . I cannot hope to repay you for this love you have for me,I only promise to love you as you should be fully ,in abandon and with the freedom and adventurousness you disire , I cannot do without you ,I would not ever want to.I only want too love you and be loved by you,satified again, again as only you can. I need and disire you above all else come my love and lets us love for eternity. Love always M.
prayer request.
If you all could please pray for marieane as she has been hit with a little relapse. pray for strength,against pain in her stomach and continued weight gain.we really do appreaciate all of your prayers as they are doing the miracle.Tx
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I am a lumberjack!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
the joys of life.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
ramblings of a soulful man
I know this may sound special or foreign to many of you, but in my case it is well its a too often occurance.well what are you talking about?you may say ; well I'll tell you .feeling alone. have you ever sat in a room and felt completely alone?well I have ,and let me tell you it's not fun ha.Im kinda the one where after a long time of knowing me you get to like me, eather I wear off on you or wear you down ha.anyhoo I have the lord so the rest is good , but this also means I usually have alot of time with my own thoughts, and today I was reading over the SGA seminar application form and on the bottom it says(pray and ask the lord if you should have dates at the seminar,and whats your guidelines etc) anyhoo I am sitting here thinking , ha snicker, no need ; it won't happen anyhoo ha.this may be a bit of a grim way to look at it but,honestly do you ever get the feeling when you talk to a attractive person and they say "oh I really judge how much I like a person on their personality",and you get the funny feeling personality means:18-23 ,single, really good looking and ripped,slim,purdy all of which I do not posses he he . so I content myself with knowing I am happy with the way the lord has me now(well I am working on the happiness)and be content to know that I will get to spend many evenings with my husband and lover.maybe I am just a little out of practice with the having close friends and affection thing,who can say , or maybe I am a little afraid of rejection who knows many reasons you could say for this and they may all be partially true. but at least for me ( and many may call me coward)that I see others and feel I don't measure up and don't want the embarrasment of the jokes I hear so many say behind my back when they think I can't hear. so I choose the less painful proceedure of being withdrawn,which has been good and bad. as it has taught me to be closer to the lord and lean more on his love, but at the same time feeling well......... wishfull of companionship for lack of a better term . and this being all encompassing, someone to talk to ,to have affection(not speaking of sex here)to understand and pray for you .to cuddle and love the lord with etc, do'es anyone else ever feel this way?I was boxing the other day and one of the ya girls in my home came out and read to me as I was boxing, and although its not quality word time. when someone takes the time to do something like that it means alot.more so than many other things because it shows friendship and a love for one another beyond sex or the flesh , but rather its the giving of a part of your life and to be there for someone. anyhow I am drifting but all to say I am thankful for the lord and those of my greater family who lay down their lives for each other to show love in every way each day.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
a beautiful touch.
this go'es out to a special someone who ,even though she thinks she has touched no one has touch many,including me.she thinks she has nothing to give but her happiness and love for the lord and others lights up the room and our lives.she thinks she is not beautiful but the beauty and love of the lord and her physical presence is seen by all those around her.I pray that you will get to know her as I have then you will see the blessing it is to know her.and I want to say thanks for the friend and speacial person she is to me.i pray the lord grants you all your hearts disires and makes your every wish a reality.
happiness of life and love.
how many times have you felt down,hurt,struggling and then something happened.a loving word,a touch,love .I know that many times I have felt as if I was visting the"garden of gesemany "a little too often and the trials seemed to mount a little more every time.but the amazing thing that I have experienced is the miraculous love of the lord in those times.I have had a problem sleeping for a while now so my nights often are spent alone,in those times it seems the enemy fights the most,especialy when he knows you are at a low point or stressed .I was in such a state the other evening when,I just said "lord I need you " and the most beautiful thing happened: it was almost as if I felt the extasy and love of the lord wash through me.I had let go and he was able to if you are like me letting go is hard to do,whether it be in a spiritual or mental state,I don't know why other that the inability or foolishness to just give over to our lover.altough the amazing thing is when we do the extasy,peace and love we recieve as a result are overwhelming, and we wonder why we did'nt do it earlier ha.recently I have been trying to make an effort to love the lord more in a intimate and expressive first I had some hang-ups so I put the lord on the spot and told him I wanted that sign ,that wow feeling,and boy let me tell you be careful what you ask for,I was layind down listening to "expressions of extasy " and (if you have a wonderful imagination like me the lord can use it ha) suddenly I felt and could see my female spirit helper I have had for sometime,she kinda smiled at me and said'well I am your sign"wow wo ho you all say well it was all I can say is that the feeling of the love of the lord is greater and more satisfing than any other,but I drift it was almost as if i could see myself as the bride I yerned to be and understood that the love and feelings are the same,the male/female hang-ups mean nothing. The lord and intimacy of our husband is the essence; not the gender and if you get into the whys and wherefores of it you will miss out.anyhow I realized that that garden of gesemany could be the garden of intimate love that the lord speaks of if only I would yeild that little corner to him.I am far from perfect at this but I can say with certanty that as I let it become more of a habit and the more I enjoy it and the greater the extasies the lord brings. you will never be bored thats for sure.well I will end before I bore you ,so be happy in your life and love for the only one who will never disapoint.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
hey all you wonderful and sweet people out there.sorry for no posts lately but this week was spent driving ,ha figured out that this week I drove 1245 miles ,so tiredness is catching up with me ha.well I will post more soon lol and kisses to all.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
have you ever had the feeling that no matter how you work to change ,that others still veiw you with the same feeling .Or that look that says oh your still here?or maybe you look a certain way , and thats how everyone sees or judges you? I especially am a good example of this so in answer I want to say I want to hear it all what people think or see about me and I will write back and tell you the answer or even my thoughts etc or likes ha.but especially I go through it with this in my witnessing etc, when people give you the once over ha,I was reading the art of war 4 yesterday and there was a neat thing in it about just saying so what ,so what if I don't look the greatest,so what if I can't speak the language perfectly,or have the most talents etc.the lord can still use me.and just go for it,I get caught up so much in the physical but the lord has said so many times "but if not" and its so true we are still his eyes his mouth and his body,so,so what I will keep going, don't let peoples opinions ordoubts drag you down because you will never please everyone and someone will always have something negative to say ,and I have to keep fighting if I had listened to everyone else I would have been gone long ago,and who knows what the future will bring.But until that day I am going to keep going no matter what,because I know that to give up is to die.drastic you say ,no its the truth I have seen and I will never go back.on this vein I want to say on a totaly different veinthat this kinda applies to alot of girls I know that they look in the mirror and the see the imperfections,while the rest of us see the beauty.they let little comments from afew shallow people ruin the when someone pays them a compliment their first reaction is" oh you are just saying that,or "thats not true" or some such remarkwhen they really are beautiful.confidence is a large part of a girl being sexy,if she is comfortable in her skin and with others and compliments she is sexy.some women dress to impress ,or to thier attributes and feminimity;doe'snt have to be extravagant ,even sometimes simplistic but beautiful.others well you we will say they hide.and to those who make hurtful comments remember that we are our brothers or sisters keeper,so you will be responsible for every idle and hurtfull word.we need to build up our breathern and mates in the lord not tear them down they already have enough battles without your hurtfulness as well so lets endeavour to be the family of love we where meant to be .I am far from the talented handsome ,suave person I would like to be but hey the lord can still use me and as Uncle Arthur always said "hey you all see mike here well if he can make it then you all definantly can "so take it from a"toilet"he can use you so"so what "about all the rest,to be used of christ the greatest accomplishment in the world.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
the fight.
I was sitting watching my son play t-ball outside todayand every once in a while he would hit it .But most of the time he would swing around in a circle and miss entirely ,but then he would get back out and try again.And I sat thinking to myself "why do I keep trying?"What keeps me going? that I keep picking myself up and trying again even though I fail so often? The obvious answer Is how much I love the lord>I could'nt make it without him.I want to truly say that I have found my greatest love in him,And for all of you out there who maybe are a little iffy on the loving jesus intimately;I am here to tell you It works.and if you are not doing it , you don't know what you are missing.Loving the lord for me is like everything I disire most,the passion,the love,the fullfilment,the disire for the one you love most rolled up and thrust like a bolt or powerful wave that washes over you ,completely encompassing me and escalating the feeling of complete satisfaction and extasy. and it never runs out .It never gets old, and my lover always has something new.who would not want to live for that ? people around the word disire what I have .To me that is amazing !there are many other things as well and that is just a part of it , But I want to know what keeps you going? what is it that makes you ,or helps you pull through when those battles come?the word is another one .so lets share the secrets of victory.
Monday, July 17, 2006
ok I finally did it , any and all can comment on my blog so thanks and look forward to hearing from you.
friends .
I have a question. In the interests of self betterment I want to ask.why is it hard for a guy like me to have friends? is it my personality? lack of communication skills? am I not a personable individual? I am open for all suggestions and other things I may have missed.for some reason I just don't have many friends while it seems others just I don't know others gravitate toward them . maybe it's unfixable but in the interest of trying Lets hear it. I want to know what you think.
the rumor mill.
Have any of you been talking to a friend and all of a sudden they say "oh I heard", and you are thinking what? who told you that? well in the last year I have been told everything from I am getting divorced(without me or my wife knowing hmm!) to moving countries ,being in the wrong country ,and even my parents swearing on a stack of bibles that Iwas moving in with them in two weeks. well to put it all straight let's see, oh ok I am not on steroids( barry may protest) I no longer beat people up for a living,I am not getting divorced(lord willing,pleeeaase) I do not live in canada, nor do I have one eye, or green all over, I think I am not an ogre aka shreik ,nor have I made secret pacts with sinister forces ha. well now that thats all to rest,I wonder what is gossip is it information misconstrued? is it even needfull? or nessesary? I for one have had a lot of gossip said about me and most of the time it only caused pain, hurt or disapointment that someone you love betrayed your trust. I know everyone has been hurt bye It to some extent whether great or small it seems the feathers keep fluttering.many see it as "just needfull info" or something everyone should know, but to those of you I wonder did you ever stop to think that if it truly needed to be known; that the person it concerns would have told everyone? I know I have made mistakes on this line and I know no one is perfect,but maybe if we stopped to think,about how we would like it if situations where reversed . and where honest with ourselves on that score.
No one likes to have thier dirty laundry or secrets paraded before all. in essense its doing unto others as we would that others do to us.The law of love, thats what it boils down many of our brothers or sisters mate and friend have gone through and continue to go through immense battles because of those little whispers"oh did you hear about so and so"oh it was so funy what happen to her". relationships, slip ups ,embarrassing moments,trials etc. we should be praying for our bretheren lifting them up,if you know something about someone pray for them ask the lord blessing on them etc. you can turn that "news" into a prayer for them. when you talk about them speak as how you would want others to speak of you.It's wonderful and inspiring when you hear oh so and so said this really nice thing about you,but on the other hand it can really hit you when instead you hear about something bad said about you . soI this vein I ask you "if you have a question ask the source don't conjecture or assume , or better yet just pray . whatsoever things are good, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever thing are of good report.If there be any virtue,if there be any praise think on these things.
No one likes to have thier dirty laundry or secrets paraded before all. in essense its doing unto others as we would that others do to us.The law of love, thats what it boils down many of our brothers or sisters mate and friend have gone through and continue to go through immense battles because of those little whispers"oh did you hear about so and so"oh it was so funy what happen to her". relationships, slip ups ,embarrassing moments,trials etc. we should be praying for our bretheren lifting them up,if you know something about someone pray for them ask the lord blessing on them etc. you can turn that "news" into a prayer for them. when you talk about them speak as how you would want others to speak of you.It's wonderful and inspiring when you hear oh so and so said this really nice thing about you,but on the other hand it can really hit you when instead you hear about something bad said about you . soI this vein I ask you "if you have a question ask the source don't conjecture or assume , or better yet just pray . whatsoever things are good, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever thing are of good report.If there be any virtue,if there be any praise think on these things.
This go'es out o a friend I have had since childhood ,she is a friend to all who need and a bubble bath of joy to everyone around.She is sincere as she is delicate,loving as much as she has a passion for life and seeks to enjoy it with every turn wether good or bad. and above all she is a true and loyal friend. thank you dulcy.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
whats love ?
what is love? what makes it worth your all? is it great sex?Is it a blind passion that devours you every thought and emotion? and what makes it worth fighting and dying for?there are many kinds of love, the mother for her children. the lovers passion, the secret love that burns silent. or the flaming inspiration of a genius.Too many people mistake true love for only passion or a sexual disire, a lust.And when that is gone they say oh well i guess it was'nt too be, They give up tossing it up in favor of something new. I think love is something more , it's waking up every morning next to the one you love . It's working through difficulties together , because you would rather stand together than fall's giving and taking ,taking the lower seat so the one you love came be happy.It's thinking of another before's the gentle kiss that says I love you now and forever.I'ts the note left on the desk saying I love you. I'ts the ability to say you where often do we associate love with sex,if you could'nt have sex with that person would you still be with them and love them? grandpa said "I'ts not the one you can live with, bu the one you can't live without".love is taking care of that person when thier sick, upholding them in prayer and action.It's taking time with someone even if you don't "get anything out of it".The law of love compasses so much more than the mere phisical culmination , I have been taking time to study it recently as I needed to brush up on it myself and must say that I have so far to go.the law of love could be spending time to be a friend a companion, a prayer partener. it could be to cuddle and love up that person. sometimes I think we(me mostly included) forget those little things that fill up the majority of the law of love, the things that really could make the difference; Not only in marriages but just in our every day life. How much happier do you think people would be? can you imagine the possibilities? I know I have failed miserably and the lord has been teaching me lessions on this, true love is forged in the fire of trial, and testing . Thats when your love for the lord and each other is tested take it from me. He wants to see how much you want it ,If you are willing to give up all for it,I think that love grows stronger over time and you have to fight for it. feelings and emotions come and go. But the love the lord places in us for our husbands/wives and our mates as a whole lasts forever as long as we are willing to work at it , and yeild ourselves to the lord so he can make us his vessels of love. I know I need it ,without it I would be a terrible husband and person to be around. only the lord can give me the grace and faith, the love to keep going every day, a overcome. everyday is a battle and only with his love can I make it through
moonlight,water, the smell of gasoline.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A beautiful thing.
Well my ramblings for today are more of and introspection, horrible as it was, I had ,contemplated what was it that caused the human form(abase as I am) to react differently from a god of love how surpasses us all, the petty differences, the fustrations the strife, the moody feelings of dispair oh yes I cling to them all , while the said same god tells me react to fustrations and differences in love, to cast all cares on him, but yet I choose brazenly to follow in my stupidity all the while asking why he doe'nt help.when I am lonely he says come and love me, when I am in dispair he says to let him carry it all. when my fustrations reach thier peak he says come lie on my breast and let me wipe away your fears and hurts. but too often I instead try to carry it alone bearing forth my burdens hoping that somehow I can get through.looking most of the time like a elephant on a childs skateboard hoping it won't give way. how many of you have fought battles and instead of leaning all on the lord hold just a little back so that you can say you got the victory, or worse yet just whent ahead thinking you could call for help later?can you see the magnitude of the stupidity of it all as christs bride fighting the battle tired, scarred, hurt and bleeding all the while our husband, king, protector ,in shining armour waiting and asking for us to give him a chance, but instead she goes fighting on untill it's almost too late and finally she has too call for help and he quickly vankquishes the foe in an instant. wouldin't it have been easier to let him do it in the first place? if any of you out there have experienced this as I have take it from me. give it to him, give it all hold not a spec back. every feeling ,hurt, pain or trial ask him , he is so much more than just a savior , he is a lover friend,protector and he can deal with anything no matter how odd strange or insignificant, your life can be so much easier when you lean and give all to him, or you can be like me and go through the many schools or hard knocks ( well actually bumps, black-eyes,lots and lots of pain etc) but I would'nt recommend it . I have decided with very little deliberation that I cannot claim ( with much regret ) to be superman or other such super=enpowered being,thereby I need the lord ha , and as much as you all laugh it takes time to come to such conclusions. ok well maybe only if you are slow and a missing a few marbles , but hey the lord can use anything , even a crackpot like me . so as I sit on my porch and (in overalls and cowboy hat) chewing hay , I have determined that I for one will trust in the lord to have his way , that it is the best and only way. won't you join me?
well I want too ask you all a question
hey all you beautiful people out there ,I have a question , what makes a person attractive,fun enjoyable to be around and to live with. P.s those of you slightly daft individuals may want to tune in, you will probably be astounded as to the answers.
boxing class.
Monday, July 10, 2006
kronk and the search for beauty.
Well hello and good day to you all. I was looking though some pictures today and got struck with the thought, What is beauty? how do we judge who is good looking and who is not? how do we decide which person is worthy of our notice and which are relegated to the "untouchables of our caste".Is it perky breast and slim waistlines? is it a six pack and 32 inch bicepts?is beauty truely in the eye of the beholder or is it a set standard that all should follow. do'es a guy have to be a musician with long hair, peircings and weigh under 180 to be considered worthy or attractive? do girls have to be big boobed 100-125lb and under23 to be hot/ or maybe is it something more? A sweet spirit, a loving disposition, intelligence, love for the lord,good personality,simple beauty, something real. ask yourself do I judge on the look of someone and dicide then if I like them or not? or do I take time to get to know them for who the are , the amazing beautiful person inside.Ah I hear scoffers , you say us? no! how can you say such a thing for shame!well then i wait to be proven wrong. how many times have you seen or been to a party , dance, or get together and looked around . you would probably see small crowds of gawkers centered around the cute barbie looking girl or the studly man with adonis figure. and then look out further and you will see a host of others no less talented or interesting, (most of the time much more so)but because they do not fall into the catagory of the "Times 100 best looking" they are given very little or no attention or interest. during the renassance the most beautiful women where those with somewhat "more curvature" although now we call them chubby,thiness was a sign of poverty or lack of blessings and now it is the standard for I am not saying that this applies only to men women it seems have a tougher set of restriction on what "hot is" and if you are an SGA it seems that all are looking for the younger cute thing.personality it seems has been discarded as a viable trait in favor of wash board abs or a good singing voice,to me(deluded as I may be) wonder if we are not missing out on the true beauty that comes from within, not that you can't be good looking and have inner beauty but more that we have put more of the enphisis on the phisical that we have missed what is most important. The beauty through christ that florishes in the hearts lives and personalities of his brides. perchance we should change our veiw and when we see someone ask ourselves what is there personality like? do they love the lord, are they fun to be with and have that some thing that makes them special?what is that thing that makes them shine ? rather than looking to see the waistline ,or the"perkyness"or how cute, or how much of a trophy they would be. man looketh on the outward apperance but god looks on the heart, maybe it's time we looked at it that way too , the beauty that comes from the heart
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
my dad , the superman
john the gold irishman
kronk and the lost art of dating.
well to all in cyber sex oh I mean space, this is to you,Being as my limited experience with those of the female sex, ( some say weaker but be not mistaken) the women that reside in the family at large are each one perfect in there own right, all have and love the lord unconditionally, have beautiful personalitie's , are beautiful and work very hard to give there lives for the lord and others.So if in all these qualitie's they have what all others lack. but yet we still compare them to those who's painted beauty requires little more than a scratch to reveal the superfluis fakery that they truly many of you have walked into a guys room and seen pictures of models, actresses etc, or images floating on thier desktop screen of women who are mostly products of airbrush, silicone, plastic and a 20,000 dollar lens. All the while thier home is filled with beauty that passes them by each day.solomon devoted a entire book on the subject of the beauty of godly women, and how priceless it is to have them.but yet we, surrounded by them take them for granted every day. I have the privaledge of not only meeting and marrying one of them but to count as my friends many more,each of whom I would be privaledge to share my life with. recentally my wife has been very sick and on the verge of being taken home to be with our true husband , and through this I have understood more what true love and understanding is ( although far from being great at it I am learning).most women disire companionship and friends above all, someone to listen to them , to care , to be a friend even when there are no benefits to follow, too often we bypass those we deem as not the most beautiful or the most famous (in the family ) and miss out on amazing and beautiful people, personalities and friends.because I guess that all women in the family are so amazing they have become commonplace to us and we no longer remember the little things that show we care. the flower placed on a desk, the pnp got for a friend in time of need, the notes of encouragement or love , the special little things to make them feel apprecited and loved.I have learned that (much to my surprise ha) that sex is not always on women minds , what you say how can this be? well quite simply women are mentally stimulated whereas men well... a naked women and bada boom we have a winner. In this aspect actions definantly speak louder than words, and although our sweet women do not require money, fame or the trinkets of life to love and care for us ,this should'nt mean that we don't try to do things for them, flowers even if you pick them, coffee (ha for some this is the most important)going out even if it is just to stroll on the beach or in the park, dancing with them even at the expense of making a fool of yourself(which I do frequently)cooking a special meal for them to show your appreciation . And many more things that You can do which do not require money , only your time and thought which means more than all the money in the world.if we could remember more that it is others than you more we would have better working relationships (not to mention sex) with these priceless gifts from god. In saying this there are many of you men out there who do do this , and from you I get my inspiration and I look up to you, darren, mike, john,frank, tom,my dad,simon,arthur of becky,rich , you guys are a sample that I hope many others like me follow. in short tell her she's beautiful and she will be, go out of your way to show love, consideration and honesty and they will shower you with love, treasure the and they will be priceless jewels . To all you girls in the family I say I am blessed to know you and more blessed to be loved by you. and I wish for all of you the same.
Monday, July 03, 2006
As misty eyes amiss met mine, clouded yet in mystery they are thine, as upon thy mist soft face yet I did gaze. your preasence anew awakened inside my soul a great clasp of thunder which deafened all around me , time itself began to slow, eternity it to seemed held it's breath. As I became lost in thy gaze, your eyes like soft candles burned within my soul as thy twisting curls like ruby burnished blossoms caressed your opal cheeks.The fire that burned from your madonnas smile ravaged my soul & unleashed tormentous tides like neptunes fury dashing against the shore of my soul.For in truth the stars could not rival thy beauty nor themoon strive against the radiance of thy being,In truth thou art a priceless treasure. A ebony doe compassed about in mystery.Truly thou hast captured me, whith one lookthou hast grasped my soulin thy hands.Thou cantest be but an angel,I feel thy wingsenfold me, but how?I am not worthy , mean soul that I am, forI run with wolves andslumber in the nests of eagles clinging to precipotis stone.I have not to offer, My rough paws empty I bring, fo rby my sword have I lived,Thy angelic presence is too much I am afraid ye shall be disapointed, but oh I entreat thee my angel to love me. dmg
Well to every one out there I was thinking about making dessert so I thought about it and dicided to share from time to time the small knowledge that I posses on the subject. if it helps at all, today is key lime pie , very easy and quick to make: ingredients are ;1 tub of whipped cream,1 grahm cracker crust,1 can of condensed milk and 1 cup or lime juice. mix all ingredients in a large bowl and pour into the crust, cover and freeze when ready to serve add a small amount of whipped cream around the edges and voualah preso , instant yummy dessert.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
new poem I found.
As leaves fall , as a bud blooms freash in the mornings dew, the sun creaps slowly on the freash horizon as new rays of golden shear awash the dewmaking them sparkle as freshly cut diamonds dug from black cravassesnow brought to light.A new day dawns as if in expectance of a grand battle,pushing back the dead as flowers bloom in the wake of a scorched earth, rays of sunshine as golden riders shining with burnished armour fight furiously to eradicate the blanched skeletal armythe strives fruitlessly in the darkness, as it is pushed back and overwhelmedto make way for the fresh raindrops that wash awaythe crust to reveal rich earth, virginfor the sprouting of new life , as a bride white with the purity of a new life ,ready and willing to bring forth the seeda of life and bear the ultimate birth of a soul. Priceless and unbleamished, New to save the world. DMG
10 reasons guys love soccer.
Well Here are my top ten reasons guys love soccer:1 football is not in season.2 basketball just ended.3 A opportunity to feel patriotic even if they have never been to that nation they call thiers.4 allows for an excuse not to do weekend chores.5 lots of beer.6an excuse to carry out childhood fantasies of painting thier entire bodies and wearing weird clothing and other normaly unseemly acessories.reasons 7-10 follow above.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
another day
well today the horrible happened brazil was beaten by france 1-0 amist a volley of horrendous near misses and point blank misses by the brazillians , rinaldo was off target cafu was beaten repeatedly by arguably the best striker ever in zidane and ronaldihno was slow and looked like a billboard of his own merchandise so here is to the french team may they beat portugul .
Friday, June 30, 2006
marieanne .
she is beautiful and everything I could ever ask for in a companion, friend and wife I love you honey and really do appreciate all you do, even though sometimes I am too busy to say it , I love and appreciate you ,
thank you.
This goe's out to some people that I want to say made my birthday wonderful, speacial and encouraging especially because I was on a bit of a bummer and going through it, Marieanne my love who despite my protests always make my life beautiful and happy, and fun to be in, michelle who inspite of her teasing self is sweet , kind, thoughtful and a real friend, who takes the time for me even when she could be doing other thing more fun and interesting,angel who in one word, her name ;says it all sweet funy and beautiful inside and out her personality is so that even when you hear her voice you can't help but be happy, grayce well there is not enough space to say all the reasons I love and cherish her and her ongoing friendship I love and respect her with all my heart and she's really hot ha. amy your are like candy almost too sweet ha, but the fact remains that you are a rare person to have as a friend one who no matter always treats others with love and kindness, no matter the circumstances and that no only makes you beautiful in person but also in spirit ,jules well another time,place and six inches , you and me babe,boo thank you are as sweet as honey and gentle as a lamb don't ever change . in short all of you out there thanks you have helped uphold me this last year in prayer and your actions, I have gone through it this last year and felt streached alittle further than I thought was good for me ha ,you all, john, abi,nina,rich,connie,steve,maggie, my brother john, mercy, beth and more I am sure have helped pull me through and given me the faith to keep fighting, well you and the lord who I my husband who loves me more than I deserve, so thank you from the bottom of my heart and on my birthday I wish instead that the lord will give you all your hearts disires and make all your wishes come true.
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